Grandpa & Chill

Grandpa's Choice / Only Two Options

Brandon Season 2 Episode 23

This week we’re trying new things and entertaining new perspectives. What does it mean to be sentient? Why is Elon Musk having so many children? What direction should the show take? Join us in an explorative episode of Grandpa & Chill.

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Stuff we talked about
Nic Cannon’s kids:
Elon’s kids:
Watch Our Father on Netflix:
Dilbert Creator Scott Adams:


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Starring Brandon Fox, Sierra Doss, Phines Jackson and of course, Grandpa.

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Starring Brandon Fox, Sierra Doss, Phines Jackson and of course, Grandpa.

And women. So 20,000. What he wrote. Wow. Why would you even just tell a nasty lie like that? Like, that's not even a. I don't know how he could sleep with thousand. You don't have the time. You don't have the issues. GROSS. I don't think you would do any of these. Are you alive? Even? Mm. Probably more than 20,000. Just like how much time in the day that you have, like. Wow. Oh, okay. The average lifespan is 27,000, so he would have had to start at day 7000 days. 27. Wait once a day from. 27,000 days in an average life. Yeah. My God. Maybe he just didn't. I mean. Groups. Now, Nick Cannon has eight children, but he said last month that he's pretty sure there's more on the way. And he's only 41. Who was eight? Who's has eight? Nick can. Okay. Nick Cannon has. A that's almost a baseball. Team. EALONS Definitely got a. EALONS going to have enough for a whole volleyball team as soon as the babies grow up. The twins and X. GRANT But what do you think a good number of children of have children? I guess whatever you can take care of whatever number. I think in past years, you know, way back several generations, people did have more children than they're having today. What if I had. The world's getting overpopulated so people have cut back. What if I had no children? They don't want the responsibility. They want more time for themselves. Mhm. Good evening, Phines. I feel like you don't need kids like. Hello. How are you? Do you have any children? How you doing? No, no. Yes, ma'am. I don't think we're going to like. Not that I know. You have any children. Not that I know I have no children. Yeah, no. Maybe if I was trying to, like. If I needed it, needed them to, like, survive, maybe I would have a couple that they kind of expensive to be cute. Maybe they just want you for your gene pool and then they don't want anything to do with you, you know? And they don't tell you. Maybe the woman might not tell you. If that was the case too. I still would be like, well, so, so then why'd I make like, I mean, I, I guess because I love them, I suppose. Vote on it just like you'd make nice children. That's all. But they have enough of you or whatever, you know? Not because that would happen to you. But they'd be really mean. Brenda, you said that's what happened to me. I was just asking you. That's what happened. A grandpa seems so specific. Did you meet a nice person who just wanted your child and wanted to leave you? You wanted. Your. Feelings? Yeah. Well, I don't know if that happens a lot. I don't think any of it is. Like, I want your genes. Goodbye. We don't talk to those people. We don't know. We don't know any people like those. Yeah, I could straight up go to a I could go to a room in a hospital and find like a thousand. What would you do if you were talking to you? What do we do if you had a friend that was pregnant or like your friend is like about to be a dad or mom and, you know, you're just talking to them. You're, like, excited for them and they just go, Oh my God, I know, right? Because they have such good genes. I knew this would work out. What would you do? I knew a dude. I mean, go find. I don't know. I see someone's. That's me if I know them. Have I seen them already? Come out of your friend's mouth? But they're excited about their baby because their partner has good genes. I needed those genes. I needed this to work. How would I feel? It's all contextual, but they'll have find any they were if they were not funny and they were just saying it serious, they face like bad ass. I'm like, Well, this is intense. They were finding Abu like, I would have to know. Like, I don't know. I've seen your partner. Like Dateline. Going to those junkets either. They're not all. That. You guys aren't flying yet? Yeah. I love you as a brand. I knew a dude. Joe Mahoney. Um, not to get too specific, but he was a open mike or in the comedy side, New York. And just like, you know, he's a good dude, but like, Jesus, you know, like, uh, like, I wouldn't want his baby. And he donated sperm, like, as a full living. He was doing that. And Uber eats, but he he donated lots and lots and lots of sperm and like, check the, check the box that said, check the box that said that they can reach out to him when they're 18 or older. And I think it's like I don't I think there's a cat, but it has to be many. Like it's it's more than five. Like, I think I, I don't know. He was always doing this. I feel like over a dozen times he's like, Oh, I got to like, you know, get a cup and go to the hospital. But something about sperm donor and. Yeah. He's not he's not gonna do that I would want he's like the worst dude. Words. Like not even a terrible guy, but not a good guy. No. Yeah. They're not they're not getting these. You know, they're not bringing their best. Supermodel or whatever. Yeah. Oh, my God. I hope I hope people in like. That's funny and like a description. Do you want me to add? This is a real person. Open my. Oh, Joe. He would love the shot he loved. But open mic comedian, open open mic comedian who tells dick jokes like lots and lots of his sperm is impregnating a lot of people. So in the future, many of many of his, if his kin be listening to this right now, are like. At least, at least, at least five. Look at this. Why? You know, it. Could be I mean, it could be future. It could be like great, great economic good have kids have kids. What's the first thing I saw was Twitter was his Twitter. It is pinned. Tweet says when you donate sperm. Do you have any? Yeah. I ask what? I didn't hear that. When is this. His pin tweet? Like the tweet when? See, every time you go to his Twitter, it's the first thing you see says when you donate sperm, they ask if you have any sociopathic tendencies. I was like, other than creating people for money? No. It's not a bad joke. That's hilarious. So that joke, good joke. It was a lot of your kids are going to be happy about that. And with the doctor who got sued big time because he substituted his sperm for like hundreds of women that thought they were getting sperm from other. I need to watch that documentary. Or is it a movie or a documentary? An article. I don't know how many years ago, but. Know it's a show now. I think it's on HBO. Would he, like, have sex with them while they were sleeping or was. It like, no, he just replaced all of the sperm. It was like an IVF center and he replaced all of the sperm with his. And so, like people, you know, all these people pay like hundreds of thousands of dollars for like have these babies and then like they grow up and. Oh, my God, this doctor is who you're getting. Doctor who. Plays. This is a true story. I mean, this happened, I don't know, five years ago. Ten years ago. Yes. He was not only the person did that, he was also their pediatrician. Yeah, he's a he's a it's a Netflix show called it's a Netflix documentary called Our Father. His Name is Donald Klein. He's an Indianapolis Indianapolis fertility doctor. Oh, no. I'm from their own sperm to impregnate his patients without their knowledge. Oh, damn. Well, why? I mean, obviously, he's fucking crazy. He's a pervert. What was his motive? He just. He got off on it. Okay, so apparently he said that. Okay, so he pled guilty to two counts of obstruction of justice. Okay. And then he admitted to it and he said he told some he told an investigator that he didn't even believe he was fathering the children. He was just helping the families. Okay. He's helping. You're welcome. Wow. Just helping the families by telling. Them to see save. He's like, I know my stuff works. This is why would I waste time trying to figure out somebody else's stuff. I know this one works the you're well. I saved you like 30 K. The science is the science is real. It's like he was high on his own supply kind of thing. He did this at least 50 times. Wow. 50. So it was Joe Mahoney. Stop! My God. Now that's terrible. I don't know. I don't know if he's still in jail, but you can watch it on Netflix. Oh. This is weird. That's so weird. And that's a show now. If they made a documentary about it. Oh, okay. Yeah. Documentary. Yeah. That's nuts. I can't believe that happened in Annapolis. What if. What if he's your father? Yeah. You know what? That's what I've seen about this whole town thing. What if that's my dad? You're not Phines' either. I mean, I get. I guess there has to be and it has to be a really, really, really, really small chance, seeing as my dad lived with me and we have the same name. But this random sperm donors that he replaced, or is this like fathers and mothers and like he took the father's sperm and threw it out and put his own sperm in. By doing what what how did have to do that? Well, no, that's how IVF works. They don't it's not a sexual thing. Like they they take the sperm and they know. This is not it's not a sexual act. This is. But he's he's impregnating the. Yeah, he's excusing it. He's, he's. Yeah. But was it, was it. Yeah. Like random sperm donors that he was replacing or was it like father's with. No, he was at a fertility clinic. So these were couples or women or womb bearers that were coming in, begging for help, giving him tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars because IVF is expensive as fuck all those fertility are. And then he said, okay, well, you know this, you know, sperm count and went to like probably charge your husband like 2000 just just a process. I'm not use that bitch. Wow so the fathers were were masturbating into cops handing it to him and then he was just replacing that sperm with Yeah. His so when the babies were born like if Phines' partner and him or my partner and me like went to this clinic and then our baby was born, it would look like the doctor. Yeah, this. This lady, I guess, was an only child. And she, like, I think she did some kind of, like, an stress. I don't know if she did, like an ancestry thing or what, but she found she like tried to track her lineage or whatever down. And so she found out she had like eight biological siblings and she was like, excuse me. And then they all found out that they had biological, biological siblings. And then they were like, Well, hold the phone. What's going on here? They said, Were you in Indiana 20 years ago? Wow, wow. Wow. What years are this? 1974 to 1987. When's your birthday? This just. Oh, July 8th. No, but that's terrible. That's okay. Phines' birthday's in two days away. And it's the big one, right? Right. Cancer season. Yeah. We love it. There are. We. That reminds me I need to email is. A big one. This it's your 30th birthday. Oh, exciting. What are you going to do? Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof. I go to the park, drink a tallboy and hang out my dog. Love it. Partner, partner. Yeah. Don't have anything. Plants hang out. I got work that day. You work in. Working? That's it. Work. Get all. It'd be nice to be some people that are younger than me in some type of sport. So maybe like water polo. What? Oh, people play croquet. The sport is good for us to play. That's good for our knees. Go kart. There it is. Yeah. Bocce ball that a food is everything. I literally said that same thing last night. I was watching the movie Heathers and they were playing croquet and I literally was like, that's a food. But yeah, that's a. Food cart or something. Now it's the same, it's, I think it's just spelled different. O o or we've been saying it wrong. Let's pause. Then. I'm sure. I know, I know. Guess you corrected me. But anyway. It's fun, fun, fun. Have you guys did you guys hear about this Scott Adams like blowout today? You know. He's the guy who makes the Dilbert cartoons. Yeah. You remember Dilbert? Oh. What did he do? Yeah, I don't know. Do you? If the guy looks like of like to be the voice of Drew Carey, Drew Carey is the voice of magic. The do from the Price is Right. It's coming. Yes, that's right. That's Drew Carey. Dilbert. I. I was right. There. Dilbert, it's not loading. Why isn't it loading now? We got it. Yeah. You know, Dilbert, we love Dilbert. Like the guy I used to watch that cartoon. I used to read him all the time. I used to be obsessed. I couldn't I couldn't relate. It to a. Child, so I couldn't relate as I was reading the comic. But I was like, I was more mature. I could I was like, so I just kept reading it, feeling high brows. Relatable to someone. I love. Yeah. Grampa. And then he walks away. And doesn't say anything. It just says that what he sounds like. Dad, this food over here the whole time. And I'm like, I want this. I never. Walk away. I wish I had that strength. I never even see him put his headphones. And I just the fact. Of I. Don't see it until he's halfway out. The last the last year it's been at least twice. So, you know. There's just a faint whisper to Linda. I'm like, I fucking hate. This show it relatable though. It was like. Podcast is terrible, but. It sounds like you're about to hear Gilbert for me. I'm going to leave. I made a idealist, by the way. Oh, yeah. For this. The segments and stuff that I would love to fill out with you guys go, Yeah, well, yeah. Well, we're done on the Dilbert thing. Well, he apparently was. He's apparently lost his mind. It's not good. Where are they? Where are the tweets? I'm pretty. I'm pretty sure they're still up. Actually, that's what's weird, everyone. A screenshot, but where the original is. Okay, so this man. Okay, he said the highlands shooting and every fentanyl overdose death among the young are teaching us the same lesson and we refuse to learn it. Difficult, but I'm qualified to give you this lesson, unfortunately. So he's saying that because his stepson committed suicide when he was a teenager, I think he overdose. No, he overdosed or whatever. And so he said, I mean, I'm qualified for this one. A young male is a danger to himself and others. Society gives a supporting family two options. Watch people die. Kill your own son. Those are your only options. I chose number one and I watched my stepson die. I was relieved he took no one else with him. If you think there is a third choice in which your wisdom and tough love, along with government services, can fix that broken young man, you're delusional. There are no other options. Oh, wow. You either murder your son or you watch him die and maybe kill some other people. Oh, he needed his root beer. If one more person hallucinates to me about some program where teens are kidnaped, kidnaped and fixed and returned to their happy parents, I might explode. No such thing exists. You have only two options. Only to know help is coming. Only death and suffering. You're probably twisting in your seat and you want to tell me all your good ideas? There are none. You haven't been there. My parents have looked for such help. I have lots of resources done help. If I were to invent a solution to the dangerous young man problem, I think it would involve putting them all in one place so they could hurt each other. Not necessarily jail. Just jail adjacent. Wow. Once they're separated from society, maybe then they can get help. It isn't legal to take a young man's autonomy just because he seems dangerous, but that has to be considered at this point. Otherwise, parents have again only two options and you get more of what we have now. What in the world? I didn't grasp the complete nonsense of that when I first saw it. Sounds like a person going through grief. That I didn't see, that I didn't. Two options. And. Two options. No. Okay. The son did kill himself. Okay. What? My son did kill himself. He did not. I think he did kill himself. Here he is. And what are the two options? Again, to. Kill your son or watch him die and maybe he'll kill some other people with him? Grandpa, if you had a child, son, that is okay. If you had a son. Well, he's never had a son. Okay, imagine you had a son. Okay. And imagine you've had a son and your. Son out of your step. Apparently. Oh, yeah. Do you have a stepson. If you give to him? In a sense, I do, yes. I mean, my it's my second wife, son considered him like a stepson one time. Yes. So hypothetically, this this person, if if you suspected that they were going to kill a lot of people, would you kill them? No, I wouldn't kill them, but I'd certainly turn them into the authorities. That's not an option. That doesn't work. You only have to. Go to. Articles. Okay. What I tell them. No, I that would make me no different than. And he was, I would think what. If they were just what if they weren't violent? What if they were just drug addicted? Would you kill them or would you would you let them kill. If if if they were just drug addicted? Yes. Would you kill. That with them killing people? Well, you only have two options. So you could. Kill you have to kill him or let him kill someone else. I can't I can't give you an answer to that, because. Scott says there's only two options. Grandpapa. He said, it's. Like it's like the training me on the metaphor or analogy. I don't know what the difference between a metaphor or an analogy is, but there's a there's that story where you can pull a lever and there's two train tracks. Right. And on the first train track is one person. And on the on the second track is three people. And if you pull the if you pull the lever, the train is going to move from where it's already going to hit three people and it will only kill one person. But you'll be responsible for that one person's death, you know, would you pull the lever? I explain that. Okay, I'm better to start things. But it made more sense than this. Would you pull the lever, Grandpa? I don't know what I'd. I'd have to be in that actual situation to know Joe. Mm. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. What's okay. Who's on what side again. On one side is your son. On the other side are all the people your son wants to murder and. All right, just know that if you choose to save your son, he may be so angry that he frees himself from the train tracks and kills himself anyway. So then the option is everyone or one. And that's what Scott's telling us. There's only two options. Um, other people that over there are assholes with my son. An asshole. You know what? Okay. Yeah. All right. I made a decision in my head. What a lifetime. Only two options. Yeah, that's a tough one. I mean, I just feel like since I'm a father anyway, I know that not all the same, but I could make another son. Most likely, if I'm still healthy. And so don't. Okay, I can't make another. A couple people not saying them as everyone's original, though. Everyone's different. You know what? That's a tough question. You can't do that. Why would he do that? He's going through grief, Grandpa. Maybe. Yeah. Sophie, Sophie's Choice. Sophie's Choice. Your three grandchildren. You're not going to get an answer from me. That means that you're just not going to say. No, I don't. You didn't even say like, oh, I would never. I could never. You just said I will. I'm not going to tell you. Well, I don't know what you meant by Sophie's Choice. First of all. You have to you have to give one of them away to the Nazis. Is that what that is? What am I. Thinking? Oh, that. I wrote that. I ruined. It. I'm never going to watch that. I think. Yeah, I'm. Thinking of my sister's keeper. That's what I'm thinking of. Never mind. All right, Grandpa, my sister's keeper, your three grandchildren. I don't know what happens. What's that about? That's the one where your sisters and one has cancer. And so the other one has to keep, like, giving stuff up, like, literally, like liver and bone marrow and shit too. Like save the sister because she's, like, the favorite. I feel like this question is not fair because grandpa is the only person with children. Maybe we all had children to be easier. Is that what he's. I mean, is he actually. Remind me to say, yeah, we're going to come back together and we're going to say, hey, which one of these guys has to go? Which one of my kids. I look forward to? It's like I've had 25 years in the bathroom ready. But about this long and hard. So Brandon, what are your what are your ideas? What do you got? Oh, I can share my screen. Yes, let me see. This is going to be funny. I'd have to flip a coin. You would. You would. You would flip a coin to decide which of the three grandchildren you're going to kill. You said there's no option other than the two that he didn't give me. Oh between the. Yeah. Can you see my idealist. Yes. Here's my idealist. Oh this is nice. So like Grandpa, Grandpa, you said that you wanted to do kvetch, right? That if you could do anything, you do kvetch, right? That you're eating chips. What does that so can you see the screen when I tell you? Yeah. All right. Now. Let me. Oh. Go ahead. Okay. I can't see. The what would be a segment that you would want to do. Each year. Old ideas I'd love to see cooking with Brandon make a comeback. New ideas I can find a random I could find a random like semi curated a crazy Reddit story and ask you guys for your feedback. You guys and grandpa really like the news, right? We do. Ladies. Okay, that would be fun. The news with Cierra and Grandpa. All right, what about you? Find us. What do I like? I mean, other than, you know, this, this, this, this. Death and destruction has been pretty nice. I don't know. Now. Oh, the death. Oh, like, who would you kill? Oh, no, no, I was just. I was joking. Oh, we could. Marry, marry, kill with the four of us. And you have to pick a random person in pop culture or on the news. I like I like comedy and philosophical things. Whimsical, philosophical things, nothing too super heart philosophical thing. So, like, maybe like funny philosophy that's alliterative, like a funny philosophy segment where you take we, you know, I could do that with your grandpa or Sierra. You take something deep and make it funny right? Yeah. For the next year, our show is just coming up with ideas of things to do on the show. We really we just give other people podcast plans. I mean, I think it's like interactive and the people will be like, Yeah, I thought of that idea and they never, they never comes through. So this is like life. Now you totally hijack cooking with brand. What? I mean. Yeah. What do you mean? That should be on their mind. My Oh. You want to host that. Was my. David. Oh, wow. I'm not a credit. I'm not here to see this game fire. Oh, yeah. My name is. All right, Grampa. You haven't you haven't said anything yet. Well, getting back to choices for for programing, I think I would probably enjoy music as much as much as the kvetch. Mm hmm. What? Elaborate on that. You playing music? Someone else playing music. Just maybe, you know. Suggesting item of music that you enjoy and maybe playing a little. Excerpt of it. I like that. Some some different choices of music or genre, whatever you enjoy and like an excerpt of it. I love that. So we would need to get like a guest to play something, right? Well, we just we. Just share like it just be like. Hey. I don't know, Santa Barbara or whatever. That Montero stream, Montero stream adults are. Young and discuss. Mm. Yeah I have one. The generational divide I can hear you. Like, like taking a random topic and I'll be about it from the two generational perspectives. Yeah, I like that. Okay. Any anybody have anything that came to mind? I like this. It's pretty good. I mean, this is this show right here. This is a show cycle through. Me cook once an episode. We do like through we could do like three of these a week. Yeah, yeah. Okay then if you guys could have 1 to 10 famous guests on the show, who would they be on the list? It's his grandpa. Grandpa, which famous living guests would you want to have on our show? They have to be living at this time right now? Well, yeah, because otherwise they'd be dead and we can't get them on the show. Um. Maybe. Obama. Oh. Obama. Oh, that'll be an easy get. All right, six more. Grandpa, I have to pick six of them. Good. I'm good about leaving. Six people to. Wait. I can't see you guys. So did he get up and. No, no. Okay. I can't think of six people right now. You go ahead and I'll give it some thought. All right, Sierra. Lil Nas X. Okay, um, AOC. Sandra Ocasio-Cortez. Who came who who did we have from was the Sacramento. Uh. Famous? No, but who who is a politician from. Who's her politician? Friends. I do want him to come back local. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, I have a section for that too. Um. Why don't I remember your name? What's wrong with my brain cells? I'll never watch the. I know. Who's your dream guest? Oh, yeah. Who's like your top five famous, famous living guests? Like, if we were the most famous podcast in the world, who would you want on? Um. The people from No Dunks podcast, the guy from Hidden Brain, Duncan Trussell from his podcast Hidden Brain. Hidden Brain, yes. Hidden Brains. My favorite podcast. I'm a big fan. See if I fucking okay. What about any non podcasters? Oh. Oh oh yeah. We kind of show that I'm not a nerd package. Smart people that aren't podcasters. Mm. Draymond Green email come. Here You know. I'm Draymond Green. I don't know Green has a podcast as an NBA player just joking that he got random people like people that have don't have a voice. They can have a voice to talk. I'm pretty cool. Yes. People that have Lisp, people that's hard to hear. Well. They that guy from Blue's Clues, that guy is fine. Does he have a list? No. But famous dream. Gasps. Okay, wait, wait. That was Stripe speech. Where's Steve? Steve, Steve. Okay. And Steve. Steve. Um. Who else is fun? Real-Life People that maybe. Bryan Cranston. Are just people to be, fun to have. Yeah, like any. I mean, like Will Smith. Will Smith, you know, like. That rules would. Be Wilders. I mean, he's not one of my favorite guests, but I'm saying like, you know, that would be probably the craziest person to get on. I don't. Know yet. You don't know that yet? No, no, no, no. Maybe. I don't think he wants to talk to us at this time. Mm hmm. None of us are going to make jokes about his wife. Oh, right. Fear. No promises. Oh, who knows if we're just going to be just Lucy out of nowhere. Just some goats to know. Who are they thinking of? Bill Hader. Bill Hader is my dream guest. I'm looking for local artists. I'm sure it'll be fun. Maybe from where? From local places. From Philly, Chicago, Atlanta or New York. is from all those places. I think he's definitely from one of those places. What about Pitbull? He is Mr. Worldwide. That counts, doesn't it? Lo ry low rider Nicolas Cage, the Ghost Rider. Oh, look at this. Right, Ruby Rider from Steven Universe. Ghost Rider, The Whip. I love E-40. We have, like. Uh. People with lists, random people. Bill Hader Ruby Rider and they. But Obama. If you are one of the people featured on this list, you may be entitled to a free. Spot on a podcast. Yeah. George Carlin. Yeah. George Carlin I'm in charge of this number. George Carlin I do love George Carlin. I'm surprised, though, who George Carlin is. Yeah. What? How would you be surprised that they'd be using something else that was rude to you earlier? Like, who's Elon Musk? It'd be more surprising if I didn't. I'd be more surprised that I know who George Carlin is. Grampa doesn't listen to stand up. I thought. Well. What girl? Just take it. I can't believe this more. What in the hold on. To do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do. Just just do something without me. Oh, I don't know if that's possible. Yeah. All right. Okay. Here. All right. We can do funny. All right, philosophy, grandpa and Phines' is segment. Grandpa, you throw out a philosophical idea, and then Phines makes it funny. The philosophical idea. This is the illusion of reality. Make that funny. Finally. Yeah, that's funny, but it's real. You said make it funny that losing that reality. The illusion of reality. You that you were off. We had hope. You had a whole family that loves you. That's no joke. I don't know that losing, but we all know that it could be a joke. But everything's an illusion. Seems to. Knock, knock. Who's knocking out? Who's there? Nothing else. I mean, losing nothing. I think there. Is a bad one. Haven't seen. How can I make a losing joke? Hmm? If it's on a losing, then why do you like poop your pants when you pass away? Why did they put that on there? I didn't hear that. What was that? Why do you. Why do you like, you know, defecate? Are you lose are you we use you like we pass away like lose all like lose control of your bowels and I feel like it was a losing. What would they add that only you know by this is like corona you. Cause I don't know. The illusion of death is that it's for the living, not for the dead person. The illusion is for that. I don't know that. It's for people that are in worldly reality. I mean, like, I, I mean, I guess I have seen people. I've seen a dead person before and I, and I guess, I mean, they hang around longer to be like these. Joe But. You said you worked in a, in a hospital environment, then you. Did something. Mm hmm. Yeah. Death is seems pretty if seems fairly real. I see something as dead. It looks dead. Oh, funny. I saw some frogs jump into a pool of chlorine this weekend and they were dead. What did you see in the pool? A dead? What frog? Lots of frogs that was like. There's, like, a pool of them that were just jumping into the pool and they just died. I thought they were. In fact, there is a bunch of dead frogs in the pool. And I saw. A bunch that was kind of funny cause I was like. And I saw some dead mice. Let's see what. Let me see something a little topical. Maybe I'll change the subject a little bit. Those off philosophical. Let's see what else is up. I guess I'm learning about what? Cynthia's. What do you think Cynthia is? I'm sorry. I couldn't quite hear you. What you're thinking about what? What do you consider? Is Cynthia. Cynthia, like something that you consider, like that has, like, you know, a mind and thoughts that you respect? When did somebody get to that level? I'm having a hard time understanding it. Fine. That's my my hearing's not great. But also. Cynthia, it's like saying, oh, Cynthia, it's like like a like Cynthia is like a being that has. Oh, there it is. Yeah. Sentience when something is sentient. Cynthia It's explained it to me. Sierra Since like a talking plant, like if a tree could talk, you'd be like, Wow, this tree ascension, it has a mind. And right. Okay. Can convey it. Yeah. Sentient being as opposed to not sentient being. I've not heard that that word before. That's why I didn't know it. Yeah, yeah. But. When do you, when do you start counting something? When do you start counting like a living thing. Yeah. And your mind, when is it like when does it become like something you're like, all right. When it has brainwaves, I. Guess. Fingers alive. All right. Soon as you complete them, brainwaves is over. Hmm. Because you can measure. Rose is a roach sentiment. Yeah. No. I think I'm. I think so. Is a tree sentient? Sentient. I think the capacity to have feelings and sensations. So, yeah. I mean, a Venus flytrap senses a fly, you know, but it doesn't have a brain. That's true. I mean, plants grow towards the sun so they know the sun. So do they feel it? Well, I would yeah. I would assume that everything living has a feeling or feeling, but I don't know that. Well, Brandon, what do you think? I don't know. It's a hard one for me because. Do you think. Yeah. What about your earphones that you have on your ears right now? What are those, the Cynthia? Well, that's the thing is like life is just like chemical reactions that got more complex, right? Like there was some little stuff and then it mess with some other little stuff and then they made bigger stuff. And then up to that made me pretty much. But at what point in that chain is it a centipede thing or not something think it's it's just we're just all little things doing chemical reactions. I don't know if this has any prevalent relevance, but they've found that a moth has more complicated DNA than a human disgusting. Yeah. I mean, a moth can fly. What can. I can't fly. That's. That is true. We can't fly it. It's true. It is true. We can do math, though. Yeah. Like I saw this video that was going around on something that that was like a single celled organism that was like swimming, and then suddenly, like, stop being a single, it just died. I guess. And it just was like three little things moving in a circle and then it just split apart and like, the whole outer edge just became nothing. And like the three little things inside just started floating away, you know? No, I don't. Yeah, no, you. Get what I'm saying? Like, like with a mind. Just a light with a mind. A light with a mind. Yeah. Well, what is one mind that. You know, has a mind that that can control just a light like kind of kind of like, say, like the moon or something, but a light that is near you. And it basically can control your you can feel that it can it can control you. It can control you. Too, through, I guess through fear. I mean, it has the power, the light, the way. Now I'm very lost. Explain what you mean, Grandpa. Well, like a, you know, like a like a flying saucer from another. Like a. An object from outer space. It's just a light and it's has a mind of its own. Do you believe in alien? I, I don't know if I believe or disbelieve, but I don't imagine that we're going to see them too soon. If Einstein's theory is correct that we can only travel a maximum at the speed of light and everything is so far away that it would take forever for us to get to them or them to get to us. So I don't know that we'll ever really observe them, but who knows? You know, we don't know what the future brings. So you think that they're probably out there. It's just that the laws of physics don't allow any living thing to travel fast enough to, like, get to each other. It would just take such an enormous amount of of time the way we we judge time in this worldly reality. They wouldn't be time for them to to get to us unless they just live forever. We wouldn't I don't think we would get anywhere. Somebody may come to us on accident, but we don't have the technology for it like. Like that. Like. Yeah, yeah. I don't think anybody would come to us. No, not on purpose. That's what I'm saying. They, they might just. Yeah. It had to be like really I. Guess the US has enormous virus O'Hare sizing. It'd be like this is embarrassing. Like the windows, like the doors keep driving. Honestly, they would be. Yeah. Now they were like, how did you make it? Like everyone else is like learned peace. And in love and you guys are killing each other. Mean how. Have you? What do you mean? They just drive by. How is your ocean on fire? What are what do you know? Shit, this guy is keep going everywhere. There was trash everywhere. It's like our Walmart. I mean, like where the universe is, why we are. We're the Applebee's of the galaxy. Oh, yeah, for sure. When I really busy night. Uh, plants are more sophisticated than animals. In what. Way? The animals came. The animals came. They first. How do you know that? Like, because I read it on Wikipedia. That animals came before plant and. Yeah. Oh, doesn't make sense. Yeah. What the what again I live on. Does that make sense. Well so the one of them used like the Chlorophyl or something and then the other didn't and, and the common ancestor that didn't the animals were first. So that like not simultaneous. What, what are you talking about. I kind of get what you're saying, like. Well, I think the animal I get what you're saying. One branched off before the plant. One did from the common ancestor I think. They. Use means that they use. The sun before they. Use wasn't was doing everything right it's like you know if I'm not broke, why why would I fix me? Yeah, yeah, the the plant is more plant. Like, I haven't done anything. Why would I change? No. Plant said I'm not moving out. My name is on the lease. Yeah, exactly. And stuff and stuff. Do you think we have a choice as to what we evolved into and what we've evolved into? Yeah, kind of a little bit, yeah. Well, we, we do now because they're doing DNA manipulation aren't they. Probably. So if you can affect the, you know, the DNA then I mean, we, we decide what dogs evolve into and we we make new breeds. If think computers are going to take over. I think yeah, I think we could. I think. And really run society. It'll be our choice if we decide that. Yeah. I mean I think so. I think they're doing it already. Or everybody's in a hypnotic trance with their cell phones or on their cell phones all the time. That's true. Grandpa. In the in the eighties. My in the eighties or the seventies, what percentage of the day do you think the average American was spending looking at a screen like what type of screen. In the in the seventies. Not too much other than television, I guess. 5% watching TV. Yeah. And what do you think the percentage is now. Of watching all types of screens or cell phone, their their iPads, their TV probably, I don't know, 50%? Yeah. I think I spend at least 50 of a cinema now looking at my screen now maybe that 80%, but probably probably get up there. Are we going up there? I'm looking at the screen right now in that turned down and looked down on another screen. You know what? You might be right. The average American spends over 7 hours looking at a screen each day. Yeah, 7 hours and 4 minutes is the average. That's less than the third. Of your day in the. 24 hour day. And it's less than a third. I mean, if you're getting your eight. Hours less than 50% of your day. Then that's 16 hours. So, okay, just under. You know, what, eight, 24 hours in a day for me. A 30 year. Day. Yeah, it's a 30 year day. Yeah. But like almost half of your waking day because you're sleeping. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah, that's true. Sleeping counts as spending a part of your day. Yeah, well, you know what that means. But I'm putting it, I guess. Well, I'm wasting my life away making the podcast. I should be spending my 7 hours. I got to raise the ratio. Sierra, do you think there's a difference in the intellect between men and women? No, no. I think the way I think the way we treat it, I think the way that we treat men and women affects how we develop in a lot of ways. Like we will put more like I was just reading about like management and like kind of about work culture and about how like women will like men who speak up a lot at work are considered like very assertive and like aware of what's going on in the workplace and things like that, like all of these positive attributes and how when women do the exact same thing, it's they're considered either bossy or commanding or even less knowledgeable. Even if you're talking about something that you know about, just the fact that you're talking makes you seem less knowledgeable. Do you think that's changing? I mean, the media seems to be trying to make a change in that respect. The news media. I think it is. And that's why we've gotten this kind of legal counter culture where we're supposed to, like, kind of revert back to being like laying hens or like brood mares, I think is a very averse reaction to the news that we do actually have, like functioning brainstorms, stems. You don't want to just speak when spoken to, right. At. You know, you never know. Yeah. This says after extensive testing, we can finally reveal that by a margin of 2%, women are intellectually superior. So most of that is. Practice aptitude tests. And then on Wikipedia, it's men and women have equal IQ. So I would believe that. Oh, that I agree with that. Yeah. It's a lot of it has to do with opportunity in life. I was also reading about how like men, how women in more like leadership or management positions are considered more of an asset and they're trying to bring more women into leadership roles. And how hard that is because of the culture, the work culture that doesn't want to necessarily support women in those roles. But it's really helpful in like pretty much every case to have more women at a higher level because they bring in a different a whole different energy basically to the workforce because because women like they don't have that same energy, like the same work culture that you put into, like a male dominated environment where things are authoritative and like it's like my way or the highway and the more toxic work culture is are all associated with having men only in like the leadership roles. And just having women in those leadership roles seems to work to eliminate that somehow. Like, I think part of it is just having like different people who didn't, who aren't brought up in that work culture and have no expectation to like maintain that more toxic, less help, less diverse work culture. And part of it is just the way that women, women do things typically is a different management style than a lot of men who manage. It's been shown that women are better, actually better investors than men. Yeah, I guess they have more more patience. And is like and it's like, is that inherent or is it is it just that women are inherently more responsible with money? Or is it that it's more acceptable for men to take more risks with money? And so that that's like more of like a cost of doing business, sort of of having men do that. Yeah. You're you're on an interesting lower. The. Investors that I've met grandpa. He's come and his time is coming Bitcoin is going down. He's about to go all in. Yeah. Bitcoin's going to come back. You'll see. Getting hit pretty badly. I hope so, man. I lost some good money I lost some good money in Bitcoin. Oh, boy, you're invested in Bitcoin. And hoping things. I'm invested in Bitcoin since a while ago and I'm not going. You think I should invest now? I don't. When the market's crazy. I mean, as someone that has Bitcoin as it was, I guess someone who owns it a little bit and I also like has I want as many people to buy it as. You. Know, instead of it kind of caught. Just in the past week or so. Who should buy oil price? So your friends do buy it down a little bit. But it's very I saw that. Yeah. I don't think it was the best investment. I probably could have better investments, but I'm ready to to dip into it now. Yeah. I got to put my $76 somewhere. Okay. Don't pay 70. I think I've lost like 40 bucks. On bitcoin is. Not that big. On bitcoin. That's a couple of chickens. That's fine. It really it's nothing. But it's enough is enough. Yeah. For me, it's like it's not worth the hassle if like people are saying it'll go to what 200 and or some. What's the. Number. 20,000. Like. It dropped under 20,000. Now said. I don't know. I read it was going to. Oh no. Oh, wait, you know what? I miss him. I make some my coins up. I don't own Bitcoin there. I own Deutsche. Do you own the dog? No. Well, lots of it. Oh, no. Why would you do? Bitcoin is way too much money. Why would you do that? Because it's a it's a dog is cute. My dog is like you. Walk away from the up. He said, I got to get out of here. So good. I believe I heard that. He said, I know. I guess. He's going to let. Beth and. Linda give me the check. I need to invest in Dogecoin. Exactly Well, I lost 40 bucks. Oh, my God. You fell for the Elon coin. I think he's. Just an he's just an African. Nick can and we know that now they are one and the same, delusional and fruitful. There's still a chance, like Donald Clive. Still a chance when something bad happens again, maybe together. Thank God. Yeah, I have. I have quite a bit of coins, emergency fund savings. But I'm thinking if I put it in the stock market, maybe. Maybe it'll go really high within the next year. I don't know. I'm I'm going to give you a little spoiler alert. Nothing is going to go well economically for the next 12 years. Funny, funny, funny one. Yeah, but I want when is when is it going to be good? Because COVID everything plummeted 2008. I tell you what, you got going on right now. You got COVID, you got monkeypox, you got yeah, you got Ukrainian and wrote and Russia. You've got whatever the hell they're doing in Saudi Arabia right now. You got Israel and Palestine and whatever. And what's. Going on in Saudi Arabia. Just them in general. I know they have oil. They're acting like they don't have oil right now. I paid $50 for gas last week. None of those. Oh, and they still we still do. We still do we ever get baby formula back? We may have some baby formula now. She still costs $3. For his own chickens. My great value cheese still costs $3. Nothing economically is going to go well and Elon keeps fucking up at every turn. Every time I turn around, Elon is doing something else stupid. And that we still own Twitter. He didn't. He had to back out of that because he didn't have any money. And then he embarrassed himself all over the Internet. Oh well. And then he was trying to not by Twitter. No. Oh. He made a big deal out of it. I thought of you. Bitching and moaning about how he was going to bring Trump back and restore freedom of speech. Like that's a universal right. It's not doesn't not even want to say that. You said that. Yeah, he did. He's I was going to bring him back. He's going to bring everybody back. And then he made a big deal about selling all of his little Tesla shares or whatever the fuck else he had. And then he realized it was still going to be really expensive and really hard. And then he changed his mind again and acted like, you know, Twitter's making it really difficult for me to buy Twitter. And so then he changed his mind and then he like said some shit about Tesla to try to like make their stock go down so that he could buy his stock back, allegedly. And then what else? He said something else ignorant a while ago. I can't remember. Maybe it was something else about poor people. I don't remember. He said something else stupid. He said the other day that he really likes Ron DeSantis and he may vote for him if he gets the chance. He would definitely vote for him if he could. Just stupid shit like that. And then. And then this story with these twins he had, he he was he he's been sleeping with his an executive at his company. This was a secret. The babies are eight months old. This has been a secret. So we I assume he's getting sued for that, too. He already had some sexual harassment cases pending against him. And I missed it. I'm I'm talking about Ellen. Linda can't stand. But why. So annoying? Yeah, so annoying. What is it. Linda want to. Say? And then you fell for the dogecoin. Where do you get that coke from? Grandpa refrigerator. If y'all got any more stupid questions for me. And it was stupid, baby. Like seven times an episode. Grandpa just thinks like. Fuck off. I enjoy. Oh, my gosh. Have you guys seen the boys? I you. Watching the. Boy? I've read. The words. Yeah. No spoilers. Are you are you watching it? Are you caught. Up? Hmm. Well, I think so. I either have seen the second to last episode or I am cut up. It's the way the Star Wars thing is what you're talking about, right? Or the Star Wars type twist. Are you caught up? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like that. I don't know. I shock. Fuck you. Yeah, I love that show. That's a great show. So good. Yeah. So, um. Yeah. So do we want to do these ideas for next week, like segments or something? Yeah, let's pick three, let's pick six, and then we'll do three next week and then three the next week. Okay, here's where we got Grandpa. Will Smith. Grandpa. Yes. Will Smith is our segment we could do a Will Smith podcast. I feel like that would be very successful. I'm going to switch to our Twitter and I'm going to DM Lil Nas right now. I feel like I could get. One of. These people, one of these famous people on this list. Who could I get? I could get not Bill Hader. I feel like Nicolas Cage would do something like this. And Steve. From Nicolas Cage to do this. Or your DM's open, his DMS are open. Hey, bro, would you be. Hey, bro, I'm going to say hey bro, would you be willing. To play. To come on our podcast. Grandpa Joe here's the link. Was on that. Do you know who Lil Nas X what what. What who. Helm. We won't charge. Him and yeah you're right. We have. Lil Nas X, it's a. Rapper old. And Will Smith is but I don't. And you. Know who regular Nas. Very aggressive small bird that. Everybody you know who Nas is. Meat you. Neither Lil Nas or Nas. Okay we have a very we have an 81 year old grandpa and a very aggressive small bird that would love to meet you. This opportunity is. You're 82 now, right? For a limited time. Grandpa was like a Gemini, right? He's your birthday, Grandpa. Is. Approaching. Grandpa 16. April, what were you doing? Try to. Imitate. Everybody. I thought it was like. I know that's the phrase. I got like a it's not what what's the what's the date of your birthday, Grandpa? When you went to the opposite faith? I don't know what a preacher is like. Not that. Embarrassing. All right, so we got Kvetch hosted by Grandpa. The news hosted by Grandpa and Sierra. The Grandpa Music Hour hosted by Sierra. Cooking with Brandon hosted by Sierra. What? Mary and Mary Fuck Kill hosted by Phines. Funny Philosophy Hosted by Phines. The Generational Divide Hosted by Me. There's also another one I want to do. All right. Interrogating Grandpa. I remember when. I was younger. Yeah, I just want to. You know, get some stories and stuff from Grandpa record. So what? What three of you and who am I. What? I was asking Grandpa. Grandpa, are you interested in? Interested in what? I'm sorry. You. Your volume fell off, interrogated in. Are you interested in being interrogated? I thought that's what's been going on. All questions. Yes, I know, right? Brandon wants to specialize on the one episode. Up to a point. Not for the whole episode, but what kind of. Questions are you going to. Ask me? 10 minutes. 20 minutes? What? Just, you know, get your life on record. Mean it's, you know. Well, you better have an answer for that. Kill your son or watch him kill question. Yeah. Tell you that right now. Yeah, we could do that better. No, just make it grandson instead of son. Let's get. Specific. Do any of those sound appealing? I want to do this generational divide. You got a brother, you, Brandon. I have a younger brother and then an older half brother who I haven't talked to in like maybe ten years. 15 years? Sounds like a perfect whatever game it is. Oh, yeah, yeah. Are you going to say, fuck, marry, kill? Maybe not for your grandkids, but yeah. Brandon, did you. Maybe he can just drop of what you want to totally. Retire in about two months or less. Yes. Yes, I know. Yeah. Would you would you do f marry kill your family? I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Yeah. Would you would you do Sophie's Choice as a segment, Grandpa? I don't know what Sophie's Choice is. So Sophie's Choice is a movie with Meryl Streep. So when you ask. Me to. Do it, I mean, I don't know what I have it. So maybe I have I don't know. So so the movie and this is not a spoiler it's the premise is she is fleeing the Nazis and she has two kids and the Nazi runs up to her and says, give me one of your kids or I kill them both. And so she has to pay. Were asking. Me before is. One which kids. Oh is this a sure never. Answer somebody else. No it's. A comedy. How is that is that a feature that seems very like a very brief exchange. So what happens to that? Oh, yeah. What happens? I guess it's like another hour and a half of her, like crying and stuff like that. I feel like if I was a kid who survived, I was like, I was worried about like, are you going to give me up for a lollipop next? I know that's extreme, but still, you know. Yeah, I always thought it would be a good twist if, like, he asks, like the Nazi asks Meryl Streep, like to the two of them, like, which one do you want me to kill? And she's like my daughter. And then, ah, no, which one do you want me to not kill? And she's like the daughter. And then she kills the daughter and the son's just standing there like, are you kidding me? Like, you're going to. You're going to kill me. It's not funny. Yeah, that's like a Rick and Morty bit, isn't it? Is it? Maybe, yeah. She was immediately like, Oh, you got to choose Beth, you know, your son or your daughter. And she was immediately like, Just kill Morty and just do it. And then they kill the other, and then they kill the daughter. That's totally from. So they're looking, right? They're both like looking right at her and she's it's like saves over. Say, please. Oh, man. Yeah. What life segments do we want to do next week? I want to do this generational divide. Comparison games are kind of. Yeah. Comparison games. Fine. I like divide. We got one, so I'll think about it. It sounds fun. And then we got one from Sierra or Grandpa section. I can find you guys a good Reddit story. I'll find do some. Type of. Stuff. Yeah. What if we do? What if we do, like, dueling news stories? So Sierra gives Grandpa, like a Reddit story, and grandpa gives Sierra, like, a, I don't know, like a newspaper story to it. I don't know. I mean, that's I guess. I mean, you know what? Since me and Brandon are less, like, into the news, we should vote on which one is interesting. They decided us, which was more interesting. Okay. And then we. Go. We got to pitch it to you. Got to pitch you the story. Yeah, yeah. People that don't get there. Yeah, yeah. It sounds cool. Yeah. I. Yeah. I only have grandpa involved. Grandpa, you got to try. I don't know how well voting on the news would go these days. Why not? Yeah, like. Yeah, right. Yeah. All right, let's do it. Fuck it. But, Grandpa, that means you have to do a little homework. Sad news for me, right? No sad news for me. Yeah, yeah. You got to. Say good news. You got. To find a good news story. To watch the news and try to pitch it to me and Brandon. Because we don't care about the news or Brandon care about the news. I don't. Know. I don't care about it. I don't know if you guys have been following. I mean, I. Care I care about. The congressional investigations at all, but I have been. Oh, every day boring. No, it's funny as hell. I find them pretty important, but I don't know if anything is going to actually come out of anything. I know. Isn't that embarrassing? The way that you don't know. You know, they're going to the Congress is going to refer it to the attorney general about whether anything else actually happened. We don't which is just ongoing story for the way I see this. You see this news synergy, Phines? Between grandpa and Sierra. Already kind of goes off a little bit. I kind of. Just dismissed. Myself. I know something's important. Yeah, but now you don't have a thing, Phines. What you mean? Well, we picked two segments. One is Grandpa and Sierra. One is mine. So now you got to pick a segment you want to do next week? Mm hmm. I am. The thing. I bring a little bit of my personality to all those things. I don't need to. I don't have to have a thing. I need a thing. All right. Now we need a third segment. Yes. Hmm. I don't to tell you, I. You. What about what about you bring something philosophical in and make, like, a funny little monologue out of it. And then we'll all talk about the philosophical thing. We do that on the show anyway. Yeah, we just did that. Okay. We talked about central banks for like 20 years. I do. It. There we go. And let's at eight you like ending right? Okay. You know what you've sold me.

We can move it to 8:

00 the we in our lives. Okay, we're already. I should have. My story. Is not I've I've already I've already sold on it our make you a segment next week I will have it for you. Or not so yeah we all we all got to bring something. For our viewers as well. I'll think of a topic. Yeah. And any viewers, if you want to email grandpa and chill at with any segment ideas or any topics you want for next week's segment, don't flood the inbox too much, but you would be the first one to. Send us the funny story of the social dilemma in your life. Do you want to be the very. First question you want to. Imply? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thousands of downloads rate and none of you guys have emailed. So no pressure. Just come with it. Come as you are, whenever you want. And we'll get true news on the show next week. I'm IDM Lil Nas, so we're going to see if he doesn't respond this week. I'm going to dump him on Instagram, but. We'll a. U-turn. We're not going to charge him. Right? I told him it was free for a limited time. Oh, great. Okay. Yes. And I told him the burn. I feel like it was great. I feel like we could get guy theory on the show. I feel like that. Because we. Know that his we got his close friend and producer on the show for 2 hours and he loved us. So his favorite person. Sierra, seem to have overcome all of the little kinks that we had with the. With the podcasts. Yeah. Today it's like you're really doing well. Even the last few times, we really haven't had any problems. Don't jinx me. Yeah, don't jinx me. Don't jinx me. Today our our our stuff, knock on wood has been great for consistently for a long time it's when we get a guest on grandpa's the always the nightmare. Riverside never prepared. And not that I don't know what this is going on me too. Not that I don't love guests. I'm actually you know what? This dude, you know, I don't mind hanging out with you guys. I know you know about. I so bad getting. To learn two years in. You know what you right cause I could have been like this is awful. I have met you and now I'm sitting here for 2 hours. I'm Nah. No. If anything. Number one, we remember when we used to do, like, 5 to 7 guests an episode, and just, like, file them in and. Like, just chaotic on zoom and clean feed on two. Different things. Oh, shit. Yeah, dude, that is incredible that we. That that's here. Oh, my God. That was the. One thing that we've never discussed our would finish with them programing or not would be like mentioning ton of charitable organizations and what they do for people. That's a great idea. That's a great way. To do that. Grandpa, I. Don't have that many ideas, but you guys very. Will bring one will bring one every. So something about Obama to the. Hospital that Danny Thomas started for children. I don't know. They say here. Ain't seen Jews. That does a lot of good. A charitable or good I know I'm gonna do that's a beautiful idea What's a wonderful idea? Well gang it's but. Firstly donate to us. Donate to us and then will donate to them promise. This is have some lobbyists and stuff on they are people that I get to ask for money on and then learn from them. All right. So we need. My God, I would love to have a lobbyist. I would seriously. I've never talked to a lobbyist. I've never seen them on anything. You just hear the word. You a brain? Yeah. The only the only people I know are like AT&T or, like we're trying to renew your car insurance. Who's. Who's that guy who sucks? I did. My Agent Pi put him on the list and. No idea we could do prank calls. Grandpa, what if you did prank calls? I get scam calls every day, and that. Would be so firm. About prank calls. I know. What have you do is turn. It back on. Them. You know what? That's just a prank calls. Oh, grip all this equity. You are like a person that is susceptible to be taken advantage of and you won't be well. One time I had a person call and they were trying to. Get because you sound like. One and I told them I have to take a shower. And they said, Well, I'll hold on. And I went all the way down to buy one of these cars. To. Send to them. And fortunately that, person in the drugstore begged me not to buy the card and said I probably would have. I almost got scammed. No, I'm serious. You're kidding me. You're kidding me. You fell for it. But I really fell for this one. It was, like, unbelievable. I was just reading about this on the news today, and I was like, Man, who would ever run to a. Drugstore. Get a gift? And, you know, well, I was taking a shower every day. And. Listen, guys, I want to say good night. I've enjoyed being the way that is. And it's always wonderful to see see you on the screen, Sierra, Phines, Brandon tonight gang game. Yeah. I love you, Grandpa. Have a great night. Good. I bet, Grandpa, if one of us could learn how to impersonate you. Really? Well, could we prank call as. You would have. Me or Brandon get really good at? All right. What if I get really good at it? Yeah. Yeah. I'm so sorry to hear.