Grandpa & Chill

Finding Yourself in a Fat Lawsuit

Brandon Season 2 Episode 25

If you had a chance to do it all over again, what would you change? This week we talk about finding yourself, our old choices, and how screwed Alex Jones is.

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Stuff we talked about:
Find out How Much Money YOUR Senator gets form the NRA
Alex Jones inevitably loses in court
Watch Alex Jones lose in real time


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Starring Brandon Fox, Sierra Doss, Phines Jackson and of course, Grandpa.

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Starring Brandon Fox, Sierra Doss, Phines Jackson and of course, Grandpa.

Welcome. Welcome to another beautiful episode of Grandpa and Chill. Yeah, I know my segment question. Lay it on me. Brandon, what do you got? Well, one of the segments that I would talk about for me is like talking about the old versus the young with you guys. So approaching stuff from the different generations. So I'm curious about finding yourself and you know, like hitting the road, all that stuff of the young perspective and the old perspective because Grampa has clearly traveled a whole bunch. Am I right to say that Grandpa. There are a fair amount? Yeah. I have some of you. Are you? You've done a lot of you. You've been to a lot of different jobs and places in your life. You know, I have a you know, I don't know why, but I have a problem with the volume. Your volume bias is okay now, but you're not. What about now, Grandpa? Hello, son. That's great. On the speak in the year. Yeah, that's. That's about it. What do you. What I'm wondering, I mean. Minus and zero must be able to hear you, okay? Because they complained about it. So maybe it's my equipment. There's something about the. There's something about the focus, right. That does not want to, like, max out your volume. And I don't know what it is. I've read some things where like people can people have tried like restarting their computer with it plugged in and you know, but I'm not going to do all that every time I want to use my microphone. Yeah, but it's something about focus, right? Because like, I. Can hear you fine, Sierra, and I can now I can hear Phines fine, but. But you should be able to hear Brandon as well. And like, sometimes that's difficult without like maxing out the volume on like the monitor, like dial and doing like all kinds of extra things. It's it's a lot I'm trying to. That's not helped me. But yeah, the. So who's the guest? Rosie. It's seven. But what about Brandon? What about what about Brandon's question? Have I traveled or what? I don't. Remember. What the question. Finding yourself. How's it been going? How do you do it? Who we talking to? You. To me? Yep. I will. So I can. Open the window. Finding yourself. Brandon. Even freaking here to hear the answer. Yeah, Grandpa. What the heck is going? Yeah. What do you think about finding yourself? Um, I don't know what that means. Oh. There we go. Now we're getting somewhere. I mean. Like, I don't have to look very far. Right here. Well, Phines for finding himself, so maybe he can tell you what he was thinking about. I didn't. No, no, no, not me. Sunny is finding himself. But honestly, that was my words. He's probably. He says anything, and he's like, I'm right here. Hey, guys, do you think there's something that dating there's a, uh, do you think there's a person to be found? Actually, from watching my grandpa interact. Like, not. Not even on the podcast, but just, like, hanging out with grandpa, like, you know, five years ago, ten years ago and stuff, like, he is very much himself. But I think it's, it's also like he used to say things like, oh, yeah, you know, I got to get better at both of you. No, he's like 75. So I think it's like a never ending journey. Maybe I'm a little uptight, but maybe that's part of my problem. You don't have a problem getting your perfect skill. I mean. Well, I mean, you know, I'm like. I'm like, do you uptight about something? Well, I guess I have another interesting question. Like, is there a difference between, like, adding new skills and finding yourself? Because, like, my thought is, like, grandpa still can know himself, but still want to learn something new. But are they like, I guess I kind of want to know the definition of finding yourself would be. And I said, so I guess maybe I should help. What is finding himself? Hmm? What do you. Well, maybe. Maybe we keep ourselves hidden. Maybe we keep things hidden from ourselves. But maybe we don't want to really fully know ourselves. We. We hide certain parts of who we are. So, like, self-acceptance, possibly. What do you think the definition is? Yeah. I think finding yourself is maybe just I don't know, I'm like, the first thing that comes to my mind is like, decide what kind of person you want to be, but figuring out the kind of person you want to be doesn't necessarily translate to or equate to what you want to do or be. That makes sense. Mm hmm. Do you guys feel like you are the person that you want to be? No. Phines. Um, no, I don't think so either. Grandpa. Um. I guess. I guess I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, and hopefully I've become a better person. I guess that's maybe part of what I'd like to do, too. I just find myself greatly, you know, just to be a better person, more understanding of people. If. If you are if you transformed into our age, like you went back to, you know, your twenties or 30, um, do you think that you would do it differently or not? It's just like the trap of being young. Well, if, if you had that choice, I. I might have. I might not made a number of mistakes that I made, you know. But I think when you're young, at least for me, it took a lot of things for granted or people program so didn't appreciate or didn't appreciate what I had. So I think that yeah. How do you get me into all this stuff about me? It was my homework for the week. Mm hmm. If it took me, bro. Is Rosie miked? Yeah. Rosie's louder than you both. You have to. Actually. Now she's. She's sitting up on that monitor. Yeah. No, it's never been like this before. Her squeak, her her bird squeak. Sounds like a horror movie stabbing or something. It sounds like you just, like, pinned a. Little, like, to her wing. Like. No, it's because birds are extremely intelligent. They. Hello? She's figuring it out. Yeah. And every time you tell it, you've told. It to, like she. Hi, like three times today. And every time she just is like. And then as soon as you pull the microwave, you like. While I got to admit that that you have me forget about what we were talking about. But anyhow, with Rosie. But go ahead. Oh, well, I don't know. You were talking. Yeah, Phines. No, no, go ahead, please. When you were talking about the, um. The mistakes that you made, and if you could go back, you might do things differently. But when you were our age, why didn't you just do it the way that you wish you had the first time? Well, I think it has a lot to do with the way you're brought up and what your what your values are. You know. Damn right. Has to do with your your, you know, your sense of importance, of life. Whatever pre growth you preach. Now, now, why? Why is that? You're funny because you're saying like a very deep, eloquent thing. And Rosie's squawk is, like, so overpowering. It. It's like a blow horn. And really. Like, she's she's about two feet from the mike and I'm about seven inches. Late, but it's never it way. Are you on the focus right. Is she like next to the computer? Mike, is that what's going on? She's well, she's like two feet from the smart and I'm eight inches from. Top on your mike grandpa is not on. Not on. Nope. No. I know you're. Put me on. I'm starting over. So now we have the right mikes on. I could hear you so clearly. Still, even despite Rosie, I could still hear you so clearly. So I didn't even, like, bother you about the mike. If I gave you all that money just now. Started. I know, I know. I did what? I would ask you about it. All right. Was that. Recording contained? I know you to it. Oh, I don't know if your. Your time philosophy. Is in the mind doing what you're supposed to do. You know, this is what your life is, and you have the illusion of free will. But, you know. But but I imagine. But if you ask me, you know, if I had if I had the will or if I had the the ability to to change my life, would I change it? Maybe not, because it might mean that I wouldn't have you as a grandson or whatever, you know. I was gonna ask you if you felt like you. Uh. Like things that you wish you could change, anything that you wish you could change right now, if you could talk to. If you could start over and right now, would you start over? Well, no, I just thought it was interesting because he's like, well, if I could go back and I had the choice, like, I would do things differently. And then it's like, well, you know, why did why didn't you do it right? The first time was basically the question. I'm a man. Well, I'm asking you the same question. Um. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. I mean, I make mistakes constantly, but I don't I don't know if, like, maybe it's a survival technique, but I feel like a lot of the stuff that is like whether it's a mistake I made or not, the things that really, like, not me in my life, I always like put on the external. So I'm not like, oh man, like, why? Why didn't I do this or why didn't it? It's always like, why did this happen to me? Which is maybe a weaker and not healthy way of looking at stuff, but oh, don't be so hard on yourself. What about you, Phines? If I pass the question onto you. It's very similar for survival reasons. I justify everything. So I'm always right. And don't listen to anything that anybody ever says to me because they don't know how to survive. Now what do I say? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Just. Yeah, yeah, no. I mean, that was a joke. But there is some there is some truth to it. There's a little bit like I mean, I guess it's a coping thing to be like, yeah, and this is but it is like that happened and it must have happened because I'm not going to think too much about it. Keep on track and you know, and hope that I make make my life easier each day you have more smiles than frowns. So I wish I go back. Oh, yeah. Honestly, yes. Sometimes. Sometimes sometimes I think go back night. Take care of my dogs better. Are we torn between survival and conscience? Oh, oh, yes. Pretty good. Yes, good question. I mean, survival in conscience. I mean, suppose you need both them to survive or they wouldn't be either one. I wouldn't be here. Uh uh. I mean, I feel like in this scenario, the conscience stops me from doing even worse stuff or mistakes or whatever. But the like, my survival mechanism clamps down on my conscience for all of the stuff in my past that's already happened. And then it goes. It's someone else's fault and their mind is like they're all wrong. It's like. Like, how how dare all these people or all these situations do this to me, you know, when when like I. Well, I like that. Yeah, yeah. Like that dynamic that we have now is I know we're very similar in that regard, but when I was like, if I was healthy, I could have walked out of the room or whatever. I mean, sometimes I couldn't, but like, you know, like a relationship where I got treated really awfully. Like I still stayed for however long and I stayed. But on the flip side, I also see, like, I see the reasons why. Like I see my imperfections and the sort of like we, you know, tendencies or whatever that I have. But we're also we're living in the mistakes, grandma. We don't know our lifetime to like. You said, you said we're living in the mistake. Blindness. And I'm not, you know. Oh, why is that? I don't understand that. Well, you just. We've had a lot more like, uh, grow and look back. Boy, this is a deep subject. All right? Someone wants to do their homework. Psychoanalytic session. Or let's talk about Twitter. And I tell you an interesting thing that I had happened this week. I met a young fellow about your age, Brandon, maybe a year or two older, and he was carrying a skateboard for a flight. He has a home and close to where I live, and he has another home in Denmark. And all he does, he does some modeling with with skateboarding and he makes apparently makes a pretty good living out of it. It's an interesting. Like he skateboards. He travels around the world. He's going to go going to Spain this week and he goes all around the world doing modeling. Like he rides on the skateboard and they see him doing it. Apparently for commercials and stuff. Now, I don't think he's a super, super skateboard guy, but maybe he has. A really, really good looking. He's a he was a good looking guy. Yeah. I hate people like that. Yeah. Not as good looking as you are, but he was good looking. So Larry's we we never. I'm more curious. Sarah, would you go back and change stuff or like all that? Um. Yeah. I would. I don't know what, though. I mean, like, I have, like, an overall vibe of, like, wow, you know, I don't know. I just feel like I have a lot of moments where I'm just like, Hmm, kind of a waste of the last seven months. But I think. That I don't know what I would do to change it. And I don't always know what I do to change it. Like, it was like, well, this was the way this whole year was a waste. And I just, like, wonder. So, I mean, like, I would, but I would just be like, okay. Well, let's think. Okay. Last time I probably did nothing. So why don't we do something? I don't know. Maybe I just get out more. Just spend more casual time outside working on my social skills. I don't know. I wouldn't want. I wouldn't because it's like the things that I should do. I just really don't want to do them. And I don't know. I don't know if. I don't know if a second time around will help that maybe. I'd probably try. I'm going to be honest. Now, just saying that what I want to get the same bill and rent. Again and God damn, I still got to pay this again. I hope, right? I hope reincarnation is a thing like. Like if I just could time travel or something or read, I wouldn't do it right. I know I'd still it still wouldn't go right the way it needs to go. I would just I just want to start over completely. Just do something totally different and be like, okay, well, there's no expectations here. It's just going to be different. I don't know. I don't know how there's a lot of things. I'm just like, this. Was wrong. But I don't know how to do it right. I just know that it was wrong. That that Ren. Boy, you appear to be very happy with your your teaching that you're doing now. I do. I do like it. It just just getting started. And how long is just for just the till the end of the summer. I don't know it more permit. I just have just I apparently I'm just going to be there until I'm not there. I'm low that. Oh it was explained to me. So I like. Job security constantly on the line. Oh yeah, that's a good one. The press goes back to what Phines's thing though is like do I really want to pay all this rent over and over again? And it's like, well, damn, what about all the future rent? That's all. The next month or two. But it's like if you could if you could literally do it over, I would figure out how to get it. If I could literally do it over, I would know now, you know, where am I not going to pay nine, you know, 3200 for rent or whatever? And, you know, you have you know, if I had that insight. I don't. Even know if I'd get to that point. That's what I'm saying. Like I. Would still I just I would have the exact. Same thing where I switch apartments and like I for months I was like, Oh my God, my rent is too high and I hate it. And this feels very paycheck. It is variable. And then I just did the housing department on. I was like, I can't find shit at all. Like I worked so hard to find a good place and now, you know, like I'm paying either more without a roommate or a little bit less with a roommate. But, you know. Yeah, I just on reflection. Yeah, no, I wouldn't do anything going back. I wouldn't go back. And. I might do. Anything worth it to do it. Over. With, like. No, no. Sarah, did I understand you to say that you were paying that? I heard 3200 a month. Oh, that was just an example. No. Oh. No way. But everything is so expensive. This is ridiculous. Yeah, this is crazy. Times are. Yeah, it's. Nine times my rent in Atlanta by over 50%. And the average is like no 9% increase. Yes, 50%. They're raising rent. They're you know, they're they're doubling rent. They're giving 50% increases on rent. And it's like, okay, well, what do I get? Do I at least get, you know, some happy stickers in the mail? What do I at least get a T-shirt like? Like I just want, like, you know, sucker, like, on a t shirt or something, anything. Oh, geez. They're going to take us a long time to fix to your brain to seeing this show. Severance. I just started watching it with feeling. Like, no. You know, I feel like this group would really be into severance. It's a show where there's a procedure where people can decide to have their lives and like brains split so that when they're at work, like, they black out and when they are

when 5:

00 rolls around and they leave the property, they wake up again and they they only live the like where they don't have to do like a grinding work day. But then, you know, that means that there's another you that never leaves work that is only ever living in work. Yeah. So it's, it's like a bunch of like is it everyone is just that different progress of serial killer at different stages until serial. Killer. Is. Is it like sounds like blade runner but for a series it's a series on Apple TV. Yeah. I kept seeing that. I mean, I had watched the. First episode is free. It is an incredible. How do I feel about that. Yeah. I mean, you you would feel great because every hour that you're wasting, like, fucking grinding for money, like, you wouldn't have to live it, like you just turn off and another you is conscious and then, you know, you just get to live your life after five I thought about you about we had conscious and stuff when they make us feel bad right. Well that yeah that's what they explore. Um, so. That's so interesting. Yeah. I'll have to watch it right? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know, I think. And I almost thought he was going to say, okay guys. Well, I'm going to. They gave me an idea in reality that was like. You just gave me an idea. No, no, actually. I see that Brandon and Phines are not wearing headphones, and I was just wondering if I'd put this on speaker. Wouldn't there be a feedback or something that would cause the problem and echo or. I hear someone's echo, but I don't know whose it is. What you what we can do in Riverside is it's Amazon Echo cancelation and that will help remove. I don't know how they do it, but it removes the echo for the most part. I guess what I'm asking, do I have to have headphones on? Can I just listen to my speakers? You can have it. You can. You can. When we're not recording, you can just turn on echo cancelation and change your speaker to just like your computer speakers. But you said when we're not recording, but we're recording right now. Yeah, you can't change those settings while we're recording. Or you can't change the settings while we're recording because Brandon and Phines do not have headphones on. Yeah. Respect had Siri gave us permission. Our technology is accelerating every day. Honestly over. Remote. Remote podcasts and if only were way harder. You'd said that as soon as this crazy leg on your. Back in our day. It's like, guys. The jerk is now. That should be ready. So it's like, our whole point is you don't. You're not allowed to get anything, but. Like, it literally. All right, well, let's do their homework. I feel a lot of that. I've got my homework right here, baby. All right. All right, let's see. Um, this is my temper. And so I'm going. Are you doing it all the time? Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. First new guys like Toni Braxton. All right? Yeah. You're not getting out of the. I don't. So I think she's from Indiana, right? I didn't know that. Let me check you guys to do it. I just want to know where she's from. She's from Maryland. Island. I really I think she's a fabulous singer, Brandon. So when does your play actually begin? You know, stage performance? Nex Next Friday. Not this Friday. The following Friday, yes. So can you give us like one line of it or anything? That's one of the line. Fair enough. That's it. One of the one of the lines. My favorite line. One of my favorite lines is say you'll come home with. We will do we will do the normal things. Can you get closer to the microphone so I can hear you. Say you'll come home with me? We will do normal things until the pills wear off for you. We will go apartment hunting and shopping like normal people for a few days. Not bad. All right. Now you got to talk about, you know. You and a partner. You got to talk about the twins. About you and a partner. You can't get out of this. Apparently, the Bat Girl movie has been canceled. Like literally canceled out because it's like not. Literally canceled as in the movie was developed, produced, filmed, edited print, promotional materials were lying in the trenches waiting for release. And then Warner Brothers was like. This is an. No. And they haven't said that. They said they even went out and said, you know, because the actress, the star is supposed to be I didn't know she was the she was in. She was like one of the stars of like in the Heights that like musical movie. And they were like, No girl, listen, like this has nothing to do with you. We just don't want the movie. And everyone is like, What does that mean, though, babes? Because you know the movie. I mean, it's it's done. It's finished. It was supposed to come out this year and they were just like, no, just don't do that. Don't do don't know. Is not happening anymore. No more. What? So what's the elephant in the room? Is there something they're like? Obviously. I really don't know. That's what's like, super. And now everyone else is confused, like, well, what other things that we enjoy and or look forward to are just randomly going to be canceled after they've literally already been made. Like when everything is done and everyone is confused, they're like, Okay, well, why are we canceling this movie that had no problematic people but you know, living chupacabra, Ezra Miller's Flash. It's still they're still planning to release it somehow, which doesn't make any sense. Probably has to do with money. I'm so confused. And then they threw I, you know, let me try to find it again because you find like an actual article because, you know, I think they tried to say something about like, oh, no, that's not it. They try to say something about like, you know, that's isn't really we don't really want any like streaming movies like streaming like movies that we plan to release solely to stream isn't you know, that's not a practical move for us. Is this for source? No, this is Instagram. I need to find an article to show me an article. Why are you doing this to me? Thank you. All right. This says they're not going to release it. It's a $90 million project that's basically just dead. It's it reflects the leadership strategic shift. They said this is not a reflection of the actors performance. I'm so confused now. Yeah, it's just. It's just really crazy. I'm sorry. Expensive movie, too. I wonder if they going to like on the show and if this is all like a ploy to make it make the sales go up later maybe. I don't know. It's just it's so confusing because Warner Brothers has had so many like poor decisions in the last few years. And it's like, I'm horrible. Like, you're right, it could be a horrible movies. And then just like all of this, all kinds of behind the scenes drama, like how many flops in the last like five or ten years, like the first Suicide Squad movie, Justice League, uh, Aquaman two h the Harley Quinn movie was a total letdown, you know? Oh, my God. The Wonder Woman sequel. Embarrassing, atrocious. I screamed, I cried and I screamed more. Mean, mean. You know, all these bad decisions. And then you have, you know, all this amber her drama in between that again, I can't stress this enough living chupacabra. Ezra miller Still in the wind. They claimed to not be able to find that person. And what else? They have a lot. They've had a lot of good projects on. Why isn't your device recording anymore, which says lower your resolution settings, be just bragging about you, Riverside and then you just throw it in our face like our landlord raising the rent. Anyway, I'm just going, keep talking. But they made all these movies, you know, they made all these weird decisions when what was it when DC Universe first came out? You know, we had all these cool projects, you know, you had Swamp Thing and a few other ones, and then Swamp Thing got canceled and no one knew why that happened. It was like a very successful show. It looked great, but they canceled that after one season. It's just always seems confusing and hectic at Warner Brothers. Yeah, I wonder what they want. They're going to lose reins. Like it could be like a publicity grab, like you're saying, but like that wouldn't convey, like, publicist publicity to me. It would just to me feels like another. Another just crazy, hectic thing they've created. I don't understand. Yeah, it's super weird, and I didn't even realize it was coming out this year. Well, I guess because they didn't plan on releasing it, so they didn't do any marketing. I don't know. Very strange, but yeah. The way they haven't canceled or reshot the flash, but they canceled. This movie for like no reason. It was astounding. Do we have, like, an idea, like, who's all a part of, like, the team that made it? Like, is it like, just for, like. A. Diverse group or. Is it just. I don't know. Apparently it's the dudes that made bad boys for life and. Oh, and they directed the first two episodes of Miss Marvel, which I also haven't seen yet. I actually I'm going to have to watch that, you know, so I can connect with the youth. Maybe I'll do that this weekend, bro. Michael Keaton was going to be in this damn shame. Seems like a damn shame. I don't know. I really don't know. I would be curious. See, I will be waiting to hear more information because it seems very strange to me. Seems very strange in other more hilarious news. Pretty hilarious. Half and half. Hilarious. Mostly hilarious. Yeah. Okay. So as we know, Alex Jones is getting his anus sued off. All right. So Alex Jones is getting his anus sued off for, you know, lying about children getting murdered. And because of his random decision to lie about children getting murdered, all their parents, the parents were harassed and stopped and threatened. And and because of that, they have a class action lawsuit against him. He has tried to hide his all of his money, the hundreds of thousands of dollars of money that he's made from lying about children getting murdered. He's tried to hide that by divorcing his wife and letting his ugly wife take his assets. He's tried to claim bankruptcy. He's tried to have his company file for bankruptcy. I think that was the newest attempt this week or last week to try that part. He has tried what else? He's tried saying that because he's being sued, you know, the law, the existence of the lawsuit is some kind of slander, basically. And that slander has caused people to, you know, advertisers to drop out and people to stop donating. That's a classic crazy crack ish conservative plot. You know, when people say you're doing crazy shit and then, you know, you can go. Oh, well. They're saying I'm being crazy. And when don't believe in them crazy. Okay, just send me more money, okay? They're trying to stifle us. They're trying to stifle us by saying that I'm crazy and the. Frogs are turning kids. Gay and, you know, so then they try to, like, act like it's gaslighting, basically, you know, oh, they're not crazy. You're lying and saying you can't say I'm not being crazy. They're saying they're saying we're crazy. That's ridiculous. They're trying to say that we're crazy to let you guys stop giving money. So why don't you give me an extra$30 on top of what you were already going to give me just to prove them wrong? Okay, so he's tried all that. It hasn't worked. He's still getting sued. I think he tried to say he was too sick to come to court at one point, and then the lawyers were like, Girl, I don't want to I don't know how to tell you this, but he's actually live streaming right now. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else now. I think that was him, too, something like that. He was doing a show where he was recording. He was acting like he was stuck in his house. And then the judge was like, Sweetheart, how are you able to do? You're well enough to do this. It's like when you were sick as a child and you just were like, Oh, it's not working. No, girl, my stomach, it's not happening. And your mom was like, Oh, that's so fun. You're too sick to go to school, but you're not sick enough to jump around on the couch and play Nintendo. That's fun. That's cool. And then the judge was like, you know, bitch, you put your shoes on and put your in. Put your put your pants on and put your shoes on. We're get in the car, we're leaving. Don't play games with me. So now he's finally in court and he's had to admit that he he's had to admit that the actual massacre in which several children were murdered actually happened, finally had to admit that he admitted that it was irresponsible of him to declare that this school shooting was a hoax. He was on the witness stand. He's been on the witness stand the last few days, giving testimony or trying his best not to. When he was asked by his lawyer if it was irresponsible to broadcast to his audience that the shooting never happened, he said it was, especially since I've met the parents. It's 100% real. So you see here. So that happened this week. What day was that? Maybe today. Maybe yesterday. So he's admitted now that it actually happened, that all those children were murdered. And, you know, he said, you know what I mean? Maybe that wasn't me. That wasn't a good idea. The other fun part of today was that apparently his expert attorneys accidentally sent the fullest, most in-depth, detailed copy of his phone records to the prosecution or not, the prosecution, whatever the suing the plaintiff. Mistakes. On accident. Yes. Unbelievable. On accident. What's and so now there's a fun clip going around of the the other at the opposing attorney talking to Alex Jones and saying he girl and he I think he read a text and Alex was like shrug and his face is like, red is Brandon's shirt right now. And he was like, what? And he's like, Oh, you didn't think I had this text message, did you? BATES And Alex is like you told me, well, okay, so you do have my text messages before you act like you didn't get my text messages. And he's like, you didn't know I had these, did you, sweetheart? And he's like, Well, I mean, I didn't know they I mean, I didn't I didn't know anybody had them. But I mean, I'm happy for you that you that you found something that you were looking for. I'm happy for you. You know, you're reaching your goals. And so they have all these records of him acknowledging that it happened, acknowledging that he's talking about it with people discussing it. I'm sure we're going to see fun little glimpses of all those records because he's already said under oath that he doesn't have any course violence pertaining to this massacre. He doesn't have any information on it. I know what you're talking about. Why would I be texting people about a massacre that didn't happen? I don't know. I don't know what excuses you think, but he's been saying that. And so now they have it. Now they have basically clear evidence of him perjuring himself because he said straight out, you know, I don't have any messages like that. I don't have any emails. I don't have any tax on him. Nothing like that, girl. I don't talk about school shootings of people. That'd be weird. I don't know what's going to happen to his lawyers either, because, I mean, the lawyers accidentally sign it mean they actually they also had it. I don't know. That is so that's yeah it makes them aren't they in trouble too for that. And that make it against the law or something. I would think so. I would think if they had ever had that prior to the moment they sent it that they would, you know, need to do that. They should have shared it like you're supposed to share your evidence. So I don't know how that worked out either. Could that cause a mistrial? I don't think it causes a mistrial. I think because it's I really don't know. I don't think it would cause a mistrial because the opposing attorney, you know, told Alex Jones, like, you know, I have this your attorneys accidentally sent it to me because they're dipshits like you. And when I called to like contests or to like, see, you know, did you mean this and this to me? Like, what's going on? Is any of this, like, privileged or anything? I can can I use this? And they were like, Oh, yeah, I mean. Well, you got me like, yeah. You can use it. So he's, they're using it in court. Sam Jones They do the podcast right? Yeah. Infowars is do you have anything to do with the shooting? Alex Braden Fake news video. Before. He went after it happened for some reason, like again, I really don't know what would possess you to do this, but he went around and all over his show telling that it didn't happen. Like literally that it didn't happen like a 20 year old man went into an elementary school and started shooting children and murdering children with like a rifle. And then Alex Jones for some reason decided to go on, go on his own show with his own face and scream into the microphone about how it didn't happen. That was literally like a hoax. I don't know who put it on. Maybe it was a government hoax. Don't know what the hell he was talking about. But he was saying how like the children didn't really die. Those were actors. There were actors on the scene. The parents are actors. They're getting paid to lie and cry on national television about how they're, you know, five year olds are dead. Like, I don't I don't know. I don't know what I for the life of me, I do not. Understand a lot of crazy people out there. Why you would tell a lie like that. Like it'd be one thing if you were, like, completely mentally ill and that was something you believe. But he's a grown, allegedly stable man. Like he's just a prick. Like, I don't know. He's literally just he was literally just lying about it for money. This was just a reason, I guess, for conspiracy theorists to, like, dump money in to like a person to dump money on to because he's saying something that's just crazy enough that only I could believe it. I really don't. Could you be the first take that can be like, all right, your fifth graders did go. Literally these people, these poor parents have no have deceased children. They're they got dark people came to their house. They called them on their personal phone numbers and threatened them. They how could you imagine? Can you imagine if someone you love more than anything is gone and then you get a phone call or a voicemail and it's like you lying. But stop doing that. There are real dead kids out there. How dare you? Why would you put that on someone? The only thing I'm mad about is that there isn't some kind of criminal charge that he could find for this, because it just baffles me. But they can get around that by saying it's entertainment. Well, they're going to they're going to bust the brakes off of him in the damages for this. They're suing him for millions of dollars. He keeps trying to hide it and do all this shady shit with all the money. They don't find their money. And then I'll rip it out of your ass. Try it. Try it. I can't wait. I can't wait. It's going to be. Yeah, I might have to start watching pieces of the trial because it's. I can't wait. You thought this Amber heard Johnny Depp shit was funny? This is. This is good shit. I can't wait. I can't wait for him to lose all his money. Just outrageous. What? There's another. His wife. Leave him. You know, the Mypillow guy is. Oh, for sure. Yeah, well, he just came out and said that he's been on crack for four years. No, he did not. Yes, he did. There was. No, he didn't. Maybe. Okay, so where you and others with your other Shannon? Wow, wait a minute. Wait. No, he didn't. What? Yeah. Well, that was. Obvious, but what was. Yeah, absolute lunatic. What? Yeah. Well, what? I'm serious. The list. I read that. Where did you read the. Oh I see it. I see it. This was old. What is old. This is. I see it. Article from 2017. It says, oh okay. Wait, what, 2017? Wait a minute. It says. Okay, this is CNBC. It says how this entrepreneur went from crack addict to a self-made multimillionaire. You? Yes. I thought I. See. That's a man that got a chance to live life twice. I was like, I'm going to do it on crack. No, this is white privilege incarnate right here. That, too. This man went from poor old crack addict to a. Multimillionaire to just regular crack pot to. Just complete. And big crack. It's a really hard time to get off. I know it is. Yeah, but he picked that weight. Which would weigh heavy. Wouldn't it be like a good way to celebrate making a make a making it note? Like I got off of I got off of the drug I made I made a million now I'm rich now no. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I guess. I'm sorry for poor guy. I mean, anybody. If it was anybody but Mike Lindell, I'd be like, You know what? I'm. I'm gonna let you have that one, Chief. But he's out of his mind. Whatever Rudy's what he's. He's taken. Whatever Rudy's taken. Rudy has suitable. To Rudy Giuliani. So this guy, by the way, you're a great actress. Sarah. I think you could make it as a comedian or an actress, but getting back to the guy you were talking about who, you know, made these false claims on his show. He. Apparently in court right now are having a trial, is that correct? And yeah, what. Is suing civilly for? He's being let me go back to Twitter so I can find. A of hiding of assets or income or is it. Not I believe this is a class action suit from the parents that he is slandered. Let me go back to my article. Okay. So it would be a civil case, not a criminal case. Yes, it is civil. Where it's a post default judgment trial. Oh, okay. It's a post default judgment trial that will determine how much he must pay for spreading falsehoods that the massacre didn't happen. Okay, so he's already lost. He's already lost this suit. Oh, good. I didn't follow it too much when it was hap. I hearing about it. I didn't follow it too much when it was happening because I was just like, I mean, he's going to lose. He knew lied. This is so is that up to the judge? Oh, I don't know if it's arena. Parties or something. I know it's a jury. It's a jury proceeding. It's a jury proceeding. Yeah. I'll put this article in our show notes because it's a very it's very interesting. It was very interesting. The judge and I've seen that the judge even, like, you know, had to tell him, I have to like reprimand him because he was at risk of violating his oath yesterday because he said that he was bankrupt. And he also said that he complied with Discovery, which he didn't literally fought this suit at every single turn. Like I told you guys about hiding all his money and trying to hide evidence. Now it's very clear as of today that he hid so much evidence because he was just lying to everyone's face about, you know, texting and emailing and talking to people about, you know, these lies that he was telling. So I would I cannot wait to see what happens as a result of that. But, yeah, just just the just a demon of a person. 20 children got murdered. Six employees at that school were murdered. 20 kids. That's a whole class. But you just going to say. That to me, that there's people in the media making false claims every day like this. There's, you know, there's like issues like this. Go on with time. And I'm wondering why this particular one and I understand, Alex, don't you know the relevance of why this particular one is came to trial? Because there's there's people you know, people are claiming that Trump won the election. I mean, whatever, you know, I mean, there's all kinds of false information. Everyone on it, I think, is this one. This one probably because it's such a big audience. Alex Jones has. And there was lives lost, not saying that the Donald Trump thing is death. Well, there wasn't as many lives lost. Right. For the Donald Trump doing it. This was I feel like this was so isolated because not many public figures would say something as deranged and demented as this, that 20 children didn't really get murdered. And it was all like, it's a ploy. Like it's a it's a it was literally a hoax. This was a staged of that, you know, like a like a flash mob, like a Flashdance mob at the mall. Like, it's just fake, you know, it's just staged. Like, you know, those TikTok videos or those like those like those stupid little, like, short videos where, you know, someone goes up to a court where a man tries to go talk to a woman and she doesn't really want to. She blows you off and then, you know, she turns around and sees you get into your Lamborghini and suddenly she wants to talk to you. Those are staged videos. 20 children and six staff members getting murdered at a school is not a staged is not a staged event. And he said this about all of these children, like he invalidated all of these children's murders. And I really don't understand I just don't understand why you would choose this hill to die on him. He made so much money off of it somehow, which is even weirder and sicker. He continued to do it because he was making money. He wouldn't stop. They begged him to stop other everyone begged, him to stop doing this and stop talking about it. And he just wouldn't. He continued so much. These people, these parents like lives were at risk. Like people literally were coming to their house and banging on their door and telling them and demanding that they stop lying about their dead kids. And I remember when Sandy Hook happened and that was really the moment when everyone we thought everyone was going to be like, wow, we have really let this school shooting shit get out of control. We have to do something. This is insane. We've let it go too far. It's like that battle in the Civil War when like a whole bunch of, like or no not. Was it the Civil War? I feel like there's a moment in the Civil War and a moment in the Crusades. Yeah. There's a children's crusade where, like, somehow a bunch of kids thought that they were going to go and, you know, do the good work. They all got murdered. But, you know, this was the moment where you would think like, wow, okay, we've got to fix it. We just have to. And of course, no one did because our government is garbage. But this was this was supposed to be the moment because then only a few years later was was the Parkland shooting, when, again, a whole bunch of children got murdered for no reason, except because none of the law enforcement that you would trust to help bothered to intervene. But no, we you know, everybody really thought this was going to be the moment, like, okay, but it wasn't. And it just ended up being another terribly sad thing that happens here that we just have to deal with. And it'd be one thing if you just had to deal with it. Like, you know, we have to deal with all the right now and we just have to accept that that happened and that, you know, everyone involved in that is fucking terrible. And we just have to accept that that happened. But you know, no one is saying about Vivaldi, it'd be one thing if, you know, everyone is blaming the cops. Like everyone knows that they fucked up and they're terrible and they suck. And I can't wait for them to go to prison. But, you know, no one is coming around here saying, okay, well, that wasn't even that didn't even happen. Okay. You know, the cops were there. Okay. You know, the school the south wall of the school is literally riddled with bullets because, you know, they all tried so hard to, you know, kill the gunman. Okay? Anybody who tells you any different is a damn liar. They're all lying to you. I can't imagine. I don't know at all. The amendment that gives people a supposedly gives people the right to carry firearms. Which amendment was that? I forget the Second Amendment. It says a militia. And to me, if they wanted individuals to be able to carry firearms, it would have said individuals are persons, not not militia. Militia is like the National Guard of of a state. So I think and also if they wanted to control firearms, they could require people to take their firearm out of their home to carry liability insurance. And the insurance companies would make sure that the wrong people now wouldn't all work right away. It would take a long time before it, you know, it worked. They got it figured out. But, you know, you don't really hear too much about people being killed by machine guns or by by by hand grenades because they're outlawed for civilians to own. And so, you know, you don't really hear about it. You heard about it back when back in the prohibition days, they had machine guns, but you don't hear about them anymore. So although these semiautomatic weapons are basically turned into machine guns, but yeah, there's there's solutions. But but like you said, nobody wants to the government, the especially the Republicans, they don't want to change the law. That's the problem. They get too much money for. They get too much money to just sit there and do nothing, quite frankly. Yeah. So the NRA is paying them off. Yeah. And I forgot. I don't know who I don't know which one gets the most money. Well, but again. I want to say it's Ted Cruz, but I'm not sure. But my heart says says Theodore or whatever his real name is. How old is this? This says Mitt Romney. Tweet them. This is this is it's. Like I would just say this this website is lets you truly believe. Did we get any feedback for our live show the other day. From our one patron no. Way to. Go I know you watch and patriot. But it weren't. You think it worked they did like it. I could do that like once a month. One one monthly I won't be live stream of the show I'm just post-arrest Mitchell. This is it this is incredible. I mean, I wouldn't actually see this, though, right? It would. I mean, no, it tags them. It's a it goes. Yeah, tag them. There's a holly. Oh is that him. That's that's him. What does this say. What does it say. Gun deaths in their state. Oh, gun deaths per state. Where are these Texas bitches? There's Ted 3600. That's a low price. Ted, raise your price or actually do your job. Where? That's pathetic, Lindsey. That's all you get. That's embarrassing. Those are those are fake. These aren't real. These are just the official numbers. These are just the official numbers. This is embarrassing. Raise your rates, people. Richard Burr not surprised. Marco see these? This is what I'm talking about. Ted, take notes from Marco. Marco doesn't care about anybody's kids, okay? And he's making seven figures. That's how it's done, dummy. You pay top dollar to exploit people everywhere they go. Mitch knows what to do. 700 in Kentucky, only 1.2 million rookie numbers. Wait, what's the asterisk mean? Some of these have asterisks is that we know they're getting paid more, but we haven't tracked that down yet. Oh, these are updated 2020 funds. Okay. So yeah, lots of fun stuff. Lots of fun always to be had. Well, guys, I'm going to say good night. Perfect. Yep. So my. Last. Point. My last thought. Yeah. Were you talking to me or who are you talking to? You Grampa. Oh, to me it's. How do I get the computer turned off? How do I leave? And how, how, how do I work the controls to get the computer turned off? It's complicated. I start banging on the computer screen, I start banging the. Current Jessie computer off. I am I am very proud to work with you guys. You're really, really smart people. We love it. I. I love I love working with you and your lighting. My lighting. Your you always end like the Mona Lisa or something. Have a good week, guys. Good night.